4 Reasons Why a Water Purifier is Important to Have
We all know that water purifiers provide you and your loved ones with a constant supply of clean drinking water, but do you really need a water filter at home? Knowing the reasons could help you choose the right one for your home. Here’s a closer look at 4 reasons why a water purifier is important to have in your kitchen.
1. They Effectively Remove Contaminants and Heavy Metals
Did you know? Unfiltered water may contain various contaminants and heavy metals, both of which are not visible to the naked eye. If consumed, they could pose health risks with long-term side effects. For example, consuming heavy metals like cadmium could lead to cancer and respiratory problems. Other contaminants to watch out for include fungi and algae, as they could cause infections within your body that are detrimental to your health and well-being.
2. They Eliminate 99.9% of Bacteria and Viruses
If you have ever drank a glass of unfiltered water, you may have likely gotten diarrhea and maybe even nausea or vomitting. This is due to the bacteria and viruses that are found in unpurified water. For example, Cholera and Salmonella are known to cause diarrhea.
If you want to avoid that in your next glass of water, you can rest assured with our water purifiers. They feature a 6-7 Stage Filtration System that effortlessly removes impurities and kills 99.9% bacteria.
3. Rich essential minerals
Water purifiers supply you with alkaline water which is packed with magnesium – an essential mineral which not only lowers blood pressure but regulates blood circulation and promotes digestive health. Drinking mineral-rich alkaline water everyday will give your health a boost in the long-term, as it even helps in lowering your risk of cancer and heart diseases.
4. They Save you Time
Do you find it a hassle to prepare hot and cold water? With water purifiers that come with hot and cold water functions, you can say goodbye to waiting for the drink to chill in the fridge or waiting for the water to boil. Water purifiers like the CUCKOO Queen comes with an adjustable temperature setting, while the CUCKOO Zero100 supplies 100°C hot water on demand.
Peace of Mind with Every Sip
Whether it’s removing harmful contaminants or providing you with mineral-rich alkaline water, having a good water filter benefits both your health and well-being. If you are looking for a quality water purifier, look no further than our range of water purifiers as they are equipped to provide you with the clean drinking water you and your loved ones deserve.